The Art of Scribble is a fresh fashion brand that was founded on 2016 by the Korean Karl Park. The idea of his brand came out straight from some scribbles on a toilet wall. So he decided at first, to design some t-shirts from premium cotton and other groundbreaking materials, such as hemp, and then scribble on them! His doodles had a great response at the street style community, since through the deconstruction of the strict designing standards that you could see in all the street style brands, Park put across a very clear message: Scribbles are cool because they are not perfect! He proved through the success of his company, that something so imperfect, such as a doodle, can be beautiful because it is unique, and this information was something spectacular for the suppressing fashion community. As Park has once said: “We might die tomorrow, so let’s just scribble, enjoy life and stress less!”

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